How to choose suitable water-spun nonwoven cloth wet wipes?

2023-05-09 10:35:28 Husheng Non-woven Fabric Viewd 1086

What is a Spunlace nonwoven cloth wet wipe?

The Spunlace nonwoven cloth wet wipe is a widely used cleaning wipe with strong functionality that can be used in various fields. Made from Spunlace nonwoven material, it is soft and has good water absorption. It can also be infused with alcohol or other disinfectants to provide sterilization. The Spunlace nonwoven cloth wet wipe does not contain harmful substances and can be used daily, including for infant care, personal hygiene, and beauty applications.

How to choose a reliable and suitable wet wipe?

Choosing a reliable wet wipe is easy, despite the wide variety of products available on the market. A good wet wipe should be safe to use, have strong functionality, be soft and durable, and have good antibacterial and disinfectant properties. Additionally, its price should not be too high.

What are the different raw materials used for wet wipes?

Commonly used raw materials for Spunlace nonwoven cloth wet wipes include soft cellulose fiber, bamboo pulp fiber, and viscose fiber. Each material has unique characteristics and applications.

What are their advantages and disadvantages?

Soft cellulose fiber has the advantage of being soft and comfortable with good water absorption, but is easily torn and not heat resistant. Bamboo pulp fiber is environmentally friendly, with strong water absorption, but is relatively hard and may scratch the skin. Viscose fiber has good softness and ease of processing, but some products may contain harmful substances such as formaldehyde.

What functions do Spunlace nonwoven cloth wet wipes have?

Spunlace nonwoven cloth wet wipes have various functions, including home cleaning, infant care, makeup removal, etc. Choosing the appropriate wet wipe based on its intended use will maximize its effectiveness. Water absorption and cleaning performance are important indicators of their functionality, and should be selected based on specific needs.

What kind of packaging do wet wipes have?

The size and quantity of packaging for different brands and models of Spunlace nonwoven cloth wet wipes vary. It is important to compare packaging based on actual needs to achieve the best value for money. Additionally, ease of use and storage are also important factors to consider when selecting a package.

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